In 2014, Halle Berry took an extraordinary step in her quest to protect her daughter, Nahla, by gathering scientific evidence.

Halle Berry is a mother of two, and her first daughter Nahla turned 15 in 2023. When the actress first found out she was pregnant with Nahla, she took 35 tests to make sure because having children was something she had wanted for a long time. Years later, she found herself battling in court for her daughter.

Halle Berry has broken many records as an actress, including being the first black woman to win an Oscar. But besides her accolades, she had always wanted to become a mother.

The actress celebrated her daughter Nahla’s 15th birthday and shared a series of pictures of her on her social media.

She submitted strands of Nahla’s hair from her hairbrush for forensic testing, aiming to provide concrete proof of the harm being inflicted on her child rather than engaging in futile arguments.Berry’s decision stemmed from her determination to shield Nahla from the damaging effects of her father’s actions, particularly his alleged racial bias.

Berry could not have been more proud of being Nahla’s mother; she wrote, “One of the greatest gifts the universe has given me is my daughter, Nahla.” She even asked her followers to join her in wishing her baby a happy birthday.

The actress’ followers did not hold back; they wished the 15-year-old the best birthday and hoped she grew up to be as “smart, powerful, dynamic, and beautiful as her mother.” She has also been called “gorgeous just like her Momma.”

A comments about Nahla on Halle Berry's 15th birthday post for her | Source: Enjoyment

Several more comments remarked that Nahla looked like her mother, adoring the loving bond between them.
The actress loved sharing the special moment of welcoming a child with her then-partner Gabriel Aubry and their relationship seemed to be for the long run, but several issues led to a long court battle.

On Mother’s Day 2023, Berry took to Instagram to share a photo of herself and her children walking hand-in-hand on the beach and wished all mothers worldwide a Happy Mother’s Day.

Berry called mothers “loving and selfless” and the post was met with fans wishing Berry a Happy Mother’s Day and talking about how beautiful the photo she shared was.

Halley Berry’s Messy Court Battle with Her Daughter’s Father
The “Catwoman” star welcomed her daughter with model Aubry, and Nahla carries her father’s surname. The name Nahla, like many celebrity kids’ names, is not common but has a beautiful meaning behind it.

According to Michael D. Cooperson, a professor of Arabic at UCLA, Nahla is derived from the language and means honeybee.

Gabriel Aubry and Halle Berry in California in 2008 | Source: Getty Images

Nahla’s second name is Ariela, which means “lion of God” in Hebrew. Berry was not the first celebrity to take inspiration from the Hebrew language for baby names.

Nonetheless, the arrival of her first daughter was surreal for the actress. She had wanted a child for many years and reportedly took 35 pregnancy tests to make sure she was positively pregnant.

With the blessing of falling pregnant, Berry was lucky to have a smooth pregnancy. She said she did not experience any vomiting, hot flashes, or morning sickness. “I loved every second of it,” she gushed.

During her pregnancy, Berry graced the cover of In Style magazine. Since it was her first pregnancy, she wanted everything to be documented in style. The actress said then, “I may only do this one time, so I want this moment to be as big as it can be. I want the biggest bang I can possibly imagine.”

Before Berry dated Aubry, she already had two failed marriages behind her, but the actress never walked down the aisle with the father of her daughter.

Instead, she felt that the Canadian-French model understood her on a spiritual level that already made it feel like they were married. The actress thought the connection was more important than a piece of paper.

“The Monster’s Ball” star continued to express that there were other ways to stay committed to a person without marriage. “I feel more married in a way than I ever have in two marriages before,” she explained

Although things were looking promising between Berry and Aubry, things started to get rocky, and they ended up in a court.

She contended that the repeated dyeing and straightening of Nahla’s hair were rooted in Aubry’s racist remarks towards her, a claim supported by the results of laboratory tests confirming chemical treatment and damage to Nahla’s hair.

As a black woman, Berry emphasized the importance of Nahla embracing her identity, stating, “I feel she’s black. I’m black, and I’m her mother.” This sentiment reflected Berry’s commitment to instilling a strong sense of cultural heritage in her daughter, resonating with her belief in the “one-drop theory.”

Following a tumultuous custody battle lasting two years, Berry and Aubry eventually reached a settlement, agreeing to joint custody of Nahla. However, Aubry’s troubles continued, culminating in a physical altercation with Berry’s then-fiancé, Olivier Martinez.

In addition to the legal disputes, financial matters also surfaced, with initial child support payments set at $14,000. Berry, however, advocated for a reduction to $4,000, aiming to incentivize Aubry to pursue employment. Her stance on child support sparked a broader conversation on gender roles and financial responsibilities within relationships.

Berry’s dedication to advocating for equitable treatment extended beyond personal experiences, as evidenced by her vocal stance on issues such as child support and gender dynamics.

Despite the challenges she faced, Berry remained steadfast in her commitment to Nahla’s well-being, a testament to her unwavering maternal love and determination.

As Nahla grows older, Berry continues to impart valuable lessons on compassion and generosity, fostering a sense of social responsibility in her daughter. Through their shared experiences and adventures, Berry and Nahla forge a bond grounded in mutual respect and understanding, embodying the essence of maternal devotion and empowerment.

The actress wants her children to grow up to be strong. The mother of two always tells her daughter, “Use your voice. You have a right to be heard. You are loved and accepted just as you are. Only you define who you are.”

She wants her children to be true to themselves and not let anyone else tell them otherwise. Berry herself expressed that she had to choose how she identified.

The actress has a white mother and said she has always seen herself as a black woman; in fact, no one knew she had a white mother until she mentioned it.

This means her daughter is a mixture of many races. Her father is French Canadian, and her mother has an African-American father and a white mother. Therefore, she hoped for her daughter to grow up and choose how she identifies.

The mother of two knows the world will try to tell her who she is, but she hopes her daughter stands her ground and does not let any outside influence tell her who to be. “But whatever it is, I want her to feel good about who she is, where she comes from, embrace her little curly hair and everything about her,” Berry added.

Aside from the foundational teaching she’s trying to instill in her daughter, Berry said Nahla has grown up to be a “girly girl,” and having a mother who makes fragrances is a plus.

Berry said her daughter had tried all her fragrances and loved them all, so she is certain Nahla will grow up with an appreciation for perfume.

Besides loving perfume, she’s an artist at heart. Her father proudly posted some of Nahla’s paintings and captioned them, “It’s in her blood.” On top of the painting, she loves to explore with some guitar playing.

Aubry is a proud father sharing these special moments with his daughter. For International Daughter’s Day, he shared a sweet picture of Nahla lying on his chest and called it “paradise.”