An article published by the satire site America’s Last Line of Defense has circulated a claim that Denzel Washington refused a “significant role” in what was purportedly dubbed Disney’s “woke cinematic universe,” a reference to the Marvel Cinematic Universe:

According to the satirical piece, Denzel Washington declined an offer to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, citing his reluctance to conform to what he deemed as “woke” narratives. Washington supposedly stated that he turned down a major character role, which would have garnered him over $30 million, because he was unwilling to partake in what he perceived as an imposition of a specific sexual orientation onto the character. The article suggests that he was asked to portray a gay character struggling with his identity in a superhero film, a proposition to which he responded with a firm refusal.

It’s worth noting that this story, initially published by America’s Last Line of Defense, is entirely fictional and has been disseminated by at least one other website. The satirical nature of the article is underscored by the disclaimer provided on the site’s “About Us” page, clarifying that all content on the website is fictional and intended for satirical purposes.

Furthermore, Denzel Washington has previously expressed openness to the idea of appearing in a Marvel movie. In a lighthearted interview with IMDB in January 2022, Washington responded jokingly when fellow actor Michael B. Jordan suggested that he join the Marvel franchise, indicating a willingness to consider such opportunities.

In conclusion, the claim that Denzel Washington declined a role in Disney’s “woke cinematic universe” due to ideological reasons is unfounded and stems from a satirical article. While Washington has not explicitly addressed this specific rumor, his previous remarks suggest a receptiveness to potential involvement in Marvel projects, highlighting the importance of discerning fact from fiction in media narratives.